flying carpet 2013 – Odyssey

Rehearsal: flying carpet 2013 – Odyssey

SaxoPolis. 2013 – Schaustelle Pinakothek der Moderne, München

Musical intervention “SaxoPolis.2013” by Matthieu Bordenave (saxophone) and Elisa Azzarà (flute) as part of the installation “Virtuelle Stadt IOn“ at Schaustelle Pinakothek der Moderne, 17 May 2013

Education Programme 2011/2012

Closing event „little flying carpet III“
Ensemble opus21musikplus

Memorial ceremony on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Munich 2011

Ensemble opus21musikplus

Education Programme 2010/2011

Closing event „little flying carpet II“
Ensemble opus21musikplus

Philemon and Baucis – Schwäbisch Gmünd 2010

Ensemble opus21musikplus

Education-Programm 2008/2009

Closing event „little flying carpet“
Ensemble opus21musikplus

CD recording Schönberg + Jazz – Berio 2007

Ensemble opus21musikplus